高纹 Gao Wen




最后学位:日本国立三重大学 学术博士(Ph.D)











1987.09-1991.07 江苏大学法学院 经济法专业 经济学学士

1995.01-1998.03 日本国立三重大学人文学院 经济政策专业 经济学硕士

1998.04-2002.03 日本国立三重大学生物资源学院 生物资源经济学专业 PhD



1991.06 - 1995.01 江苏省镇江市京口区人民法院 经济审判庭

2002.04 - 2003.09 日本四日市大学/日本三重县短期大学 非常勤讲师

2003.10 - 2005.09 日本学术振兴会 特聘外国人博士后研究员

2005.10 –迄今  南京审计大学 BET体育365投注官网经济系教师

2015.02 - 2016.03 美国南加州大学马歇尔商学院访问学者




2013年 江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才



“The Role of State for Narrowing Urban-Rural Income Gap: Implications from Japan’s Experience”,2023. (Japan Society for Promotion of Science).

“Roles of Market, State and Community for the Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development: Theoretical Research and Implications from Japan’s Experience” 2013. Japan Society for Promotion of Science).

“Impacts of the Government Intervention on the Rural Financial Reform for the Sustainable Development”2013. (Government of Jiangsu-Province, China)

“Air Pollution Countermeasures, Environmental Technology Transfer and the Development of Environment-friendly Industry: Implications from Japan’s Experience”  2014 . (The Public Foundation of Choubu Science and Technology Center, Japan)



GAO Wen, CHEN Yuanyuan, CHEN Wei and WANG Yutong, “Going Back to the Basic of Green Economy: Special Reference to Economic Interpretation and Policies”, Information, International Information Institute, Vol.26 No.2, 2023, pp.65-70. (Written in English)

GAO Wen, ZHANG Chenchen, WANG Yutong and CHEN Yuanyuan, Going Back to the Basic of Wage Inequality: Special Reference to the Skill Premium in China”, Information, International Information Institute, Vol.25 No.3, 2022, pp.189-200. (Written in English)

GAO Wen, WU Yulu, ZHANG Chenchen and WANG Yutong, “The Effect of Government Audit on High-quality Economic Development”, Information, International Information Institute, Vol.24 No.4, 2021, pp.197-204. (Written in English)

高纹.中国における経済成長と環境問題大気汚染を中心として.日本都市环境学会年报,28/29合并号,2021,pp.140-144. (Written in Japanese)

GAO Wen, QIAN Yingjie, WU Yulu and ZHANG Chenchen, “Going Back to the Basic of the Population Growth: Special Reference to Rural Migrant Workers in China”, Information, International Information Institute, Vol.24 No.1, 2021, pp.13-20. (Written in English)

GAO Wen, MA Xiaohang, Qian Yingjie and Wu Yulu“Financial Supply-side Structural Reform in China: With Special Reference to Green Finance”, Information, International Information Institute, Vol.22 No.6, 2019, pp.433-439. (Written in English)

GAO Wen, YANG Xin and MA Xiaohang, “Economic Growth and Air Pollution: Empirical Study on Basis of the Urban Panel Data from China”, Information, International Information Institute, Vol.22 No.2, 2019, pp.145-150. (Written in English)

高纹、杨昕,经济增长与环境污染:基于城市面板数据的联立方程组估计, 南京审计大学学报, 2019 年第 2 , pp.90-99. (written in Chinese)

高纹.環境教育の経済学的意味. InformationJDream收录, ISSN 1343-4500 Print ISSN1344-8994 electronic, International Information Institute, Vol.19 No.122016. (Written in Japanese)

GAO Wen. “Going Back to the Basic of Financial Innovations: Learning from Japan’s Bubble Economy. ” Information,International Information Institute, Vol.18 No.82015. (Written in English)

GAO Wen and Masaaki ISHIDA. “New Entrants into the Chinese Rural Financial Market: A Case Study of Rural Small-loan Company in G-Township Jiangsu-Province,” Information, International Information Institute, Vol.16 No.10, 2013.(written in English)

GAO Wen. “Rethinking the Role of the State in Rural Finance: Learning from Japan’s Experience,” Information, International Information Institute,Vol.16 No.5, 2013. (written in English)

高纹、姜德波. 贸易自由化背景下粮食安全问题的分析视角日本农业政策的启示. 农业现代化研究,2011年第32卷专刊,201110. (written in Chinese)

GAO Wen. “Ideas in Japan’s ODA and the Assistance for China,” Information, International Information InstituteVol.12No.6, 2009. (written in Chinese)

GAO Wen (trans.), Shozaburo SAKAYI (write). “CSR in China: Theory and Practice ,” Journal of AuditEconomics, 2009(5). (Japanese-Chinese translation)

GAO Wen, FAN Jing and Masaaki ISHIDA. “On the Reform of the Chinese Rural Credit Cooperative: Reducing Bad Loans and Accumulated Losses ―A Case of Jilin-Province―,” Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan, 2006. (written in English)

GAO Wen and Masaaki ISHIDA. “The Entry of the Chinese Rural Credit Cooperative into Micro-finance Market―A Case Study in Chengdu-City Sichuan-Province―,” The Bulletin of the Faculty of Bio-resources Mie University, NO.32, 2005(3). (written in English)

GAO Wen and LI Xin. “Environmental Conservation in Rural China―A Case Study in Yangzhong-County Jiangsu-Province―,” Journal of Rural and Food Economics, Vol.50No.2, 2004. (written in English)



GAO WEN. Financial Development in Rural ChinaWith Special Reference to the Reform of the Chinese Rural Credit Cooperative. 经济科学出版社(Economic Science Press)2012. 02. (written in English)




Professor, PhD

Lab. of Population, Resource and Environmental Economics

School of Economics

Nanjing Audit University

402 Minda Building86 West Yushan Road Pukou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 211815

Tel: (86)25-5831-8568 // Fax: (86)25-5831-8568




1987.09-1991.07    Laboratory of Economic Law// School of Law//Jiangsu University, China (Bachelor of Economic Law awarded)

1995.01- 1998.03   Laboratory of Economic Policies//Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences//Mie University, Japan  (Master of Social Science awarded)

1998.04-2002.03  Laboratory of Sustainable Resource Economics//Graduate School of Bio-resources//Mie University, Japan  (Doctor of Philosophy awarded)

Professional Experience

1987.08-1995.01   Court of Jingkou-District, Zhenjiang-City,Jiangsu-province(Secretary of Economic Lawsuit)

2002.04-2003.09      Yokkaich University and Mie Junior College, Japan (Part-time Lecturer)

2003.10-2005.09    Post-doctoral Foreign Fellow of Japan Society for Promotion of Science(JSPS)

2005.10- 2006.06  School of Business, Nanjing Audit University

2006.07-      Professor of School of Economics, Nanjing Audit University

2015.02-2016.03      Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California      (Visiting Scholar)

Teaching Experience

Basic courses Microeconomics; Macroeconomics

Required courses Development Economics (Bilingual Teaching)

Optional Courses Resources and Environmental Economics; Economic Policies;

Law and Economics; Agricultural Economics; Public Economics

Liberal Education CoursesEconomics of Households; Socioeconomic Policies and Livelihood
