王永培 Wang Yongpei





王永培,男,1984年3月生,江苏连云港人,经济学博士,副教授,高级经济师,硕士生导师。主要从事人口、资源与环境经济学研究,以第一作者或通讯作者分别在《中国工业经济》、《中国人口·资源与环境》、Cities、Growth and Change、Energy Policy、Renewable Energy、Energy Efficiency、Journal of Environmental Planning & Management、Energy & Environment、Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Science & Pollution Research、Science of The Total Environment、Transport Policy等SCI/SSCI及国内核心期刊发表学术论文40余篇,参与编著和出版学术和研究报告9部;主持及作为核心成员参与国家社科基金、国家能源局软科学项目、国家电网公司科技项目10余项,获得多个省部级奖项。受邀担任Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews、Energy Policy、Renewable Cities & Society、Energy Efficiency、Energy & Environment、Carbon Management、Energy Sources Part B- Economics Planning and Policy、Journal of Environmental Planning & Management、Journal of Environmental Management、 Environmental Science& Pollution Research、Energy, Sustainability & Society、Growth and Change、Applied Economics、Economic Modelling、Emerging Markets Finance & Trade等SCI/SSCI期刊匿名审稿人。










1.Wang, Y., Yan, Q., Yang, J., Komonpipat, S., & Zhang, Q. (2024). Can inter-provincial transmission reduce regional carbon emissions? Evidence from China. Energy Policy,184, 113915.

2.Liang, J., & Wang, Y.* (2024) Recognizing the nexus between grid infrastructure, renewable energy, net interregional transmission and carbon emissions: Evidence from China. Growth and Change, accepted.

3.Wang, Y., & Yan, Q. (2023). Is cleaner more efficient? Exploring nonlinear impacts of renewable energy deployment on regional total factor energy efficiency. Renewable Energy,216, 119110.

4.Wang, Y., Guan, Z., Zhang, Q. (2023). Exploring the magnitude threshold of urban PM2.5 concentration in China’s prefecture-level cities. Environment, Development & Sustainability, accepted.

5.Wang, Y., Yan, Q., Luo, Y., Zhang, Q. (2023). Carbon abatement of electricity sector with renewable energy deployment: Evidence from China. Renewable Energy,210:1-11.

6.Wang, Y., Guan, Y., Zhang, Q. (2023). Railway opening and carbon emissions in distressed areas: Evidence from China’s state-level poverty-stricken counties. Transport Policy,130:55-67. 

7.Wang, Y., Guan, Zhongyu., Liang, J. (2023). Investigating the propellant role of the mega-grid in regional economic growth: Evidence from China base on the panel smooth transition regression model. Energy & Environment,34(6):1982-2006.

8.Wang, Y., Yan, Q., Zhang, Q. (2022). Carbon mitigation performance of top-down administrative and fiscal decentralizations: Evidence from quasi-natural experiments in China's pilot counties. Science of the Total Environment, 852,158404. 

9.Wang, Y., Zhang, Q. (2022). How does electricity consumption of energy-intensive manufacturing affect the installed capacity of power generation? Empirical evidence under the background of China’s supply-side structural reform. Energy Efficiency,15, 44 

10.Wang, Y., Yang, J., & Chen, J. (2022). Environmental pollution and population distribution among districts and counties: Evidence from prefecture-level cities in China. Energy & Environment,33(7):1346-1368.

11.Wang, Y., Xu, C., &Yuan, P. (2022). Is there grid-connected effect of grid infrastructure on renewable energy generation? Evidence from China’s upgrading transmission lines. Energy & Environment, 33(5): 975-995. 

12.Wang, Y., & Xu, Z. (2022). The scale boundary of urbanized population with peaking PM2.5 concentration: A spatial panel econometric analysis of China's prefecture-level and above cities. Journal of Environmental Planning & Management,65(1):126-149. 

13.Wang, Y., & Chen, J. (2020). Revisiting the environmental Kuznets curve of PM2.5 concentration: Evidence from prefecture-level and above cities of China. Environmental Science & Pollution Research,27:9336–9348. 

14.Shao, S., Wang, Y*., Yan, W., Yang, L., Yin, J., & Zhang, X. (2020). Administrative decentralization and credit resource reallocation: evidence from China’s “Enlarging Authority and Strengthening Counties” reform. Cities,97:1-16. 

15.Wang, Y., Yan, W., & Komonpipat, S. (2019). How does the capacity utilization of thermal power generation affect pollutant emissions? Evidence from the panel data of China's provinces. Energy Policy,132:440-451. 

16.Wang, Y., & Chen, J. (2019). The environmental effect of capacity utilization in thermal power plants: Evidence from interprovincial carbon emissions in China. Environmental Science & Pollution Research.26(29):30399–30412.

17.Wang, Y., Wang, L.& Zhang, Q. (2019). Decomposition of manufacturing-related electricity consumption intensity in China using the LMDI method: 1990-2015.Energy Efficiency, 12:1837–1855. 

18.Wang, Y., Yan, W., Zhuang, S. & Zhang, Q. (2019). Competition or complementarity? The hydropower and thermal power nexus in China. Renewable Energy,138:531-541.

19.Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., & Li, C. (2019). The contribution of non-fossil power generation to reduction of electricity-related CO2 emissions: a panel quintile regression analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 207:531-541. 

20.Wang, Y., & Li, J. (2019). Spatial spillover effect of non-fossil fuel power generation on carbon dioxide emissions across China's provinces. Renewable Energy,136: 317-330. 

21.Wang, Y., Yan, W., Zhuang, S., & Li, J. (2018). Does grid-connected clean power promote regional energy efficiency? an empirical analysis based on the upgrading grid infrastructure across China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 186:736-747. 

22.Wang, Y., Yan, W., Ma, D., & Zhang, C. (2018). Carbon emissions and optimal scale of China’s manufacturing agglomeration under heterogeneous environmental regulation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 176:140-150.









